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Things you don't know about Nollywood (Nigerian movie industry)

 What is Nollywood?

The term 'Nollywood' was coined by the New York Times journalist Norimitsu Onishi in 2002 when he observed film-making activity in Lagos, Nigeria. The term mirrors two of the most famous areas of film production: Hollywood in the US, and Bollywood in India's Bombay. For some, Nollywood encapsulates the array of actors and actresses emerging from the film-making activity in Nigeria; for others, it refers to the collection of the thousands of movies that have been made there.

However, Nollywood is best understood as referring to the process of film-making in Nigeria, where the films are produced using any and all tools available, adequate or otherwise. This can mean creating movies in volatile and uncertain conditions, often with incredibly short turnaround times. Observing this seemingly impossible production environment is what inspired Norimitsu to coin the term 'Nollywood', which really refers to 'nothing wood', i.e., creating something out of nothing. To explain this a little further, a medical doctor friend of mine, in describing his experience of our film-making activities, likens it to performing open-heart surgery with forks and knives, but the genius of it all, he continues, is that the patient survives. We have come from 'nothing' to all that the world acknowledges today.

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